You may have seen this some time back, but for the many who haven’t, here it is. This is classic hilarious advertising. It is amazing how effective humor can be when trying to get your message across. The Journal of Advertising mentions that “an estimated 24.4% of prime time television advertising in the U.S. is intended to be humorous.” It also mentions that 55% of advertising research executives believe humor to be superior to non-humor in gaining attention. If you think about it, which commercials in the super bowl are the ones we remember the most? The funny ones! In fact humor in advertising for the super bowl and other large televised events has become a highlight of it’s own. Many viewers admit that sometimes they are more interested in the commercials than the main program. Think about it, they’re actually watching TV FOR the commercials. If that is not a testament to the power of humor, I don’t know what is. So, next time you are thinking of a fresh spin on your next advertising campaign, why not give humor a shot?