Mix horse riding essentials with Italian fashion and you have pretty much the most stylish, quality horse riding boots you can get. Throw in a slick web site to show you some beautiful pictures and voila, milofelline.com. Did I mention I love photo shoots? I think its the fact that I’m able to push which direction we’re going from an early on in the project. If I know I’m working with a good photographer (like Jai Zeta), I know we are going to have an awesome finished site when it’s all said and done. And the site just show it all off. I built a completely custom image viewer for this site, that pulls all of the information dynamically. That means that you don’t have to edit to much to completely change the products offered. Oh, and it was a good thing I have been learning French for the last few years, as I got to speak a lot of it with owners Sandrine and Christian. C’est super!

Petco Park Gets a New Look
We worked on this a little while back, but I wanted to mention what we did with this one. Originally, they came to us looking for a new look for their existing website petcoparkevents.com. They also wanted the flexibility to manage the site, including all descriptions, prices, photos, etc. I think the end product gave them just that. The site was built as a Rich Interactive Application. In other words, instead of just being the normal, boring html list of photos, the site has some life to it. We used Flash as the base for the site as it offers a lot of control over stylizing, but also works well with dynamically driven content. At the same time, just about everything is dynamic, meaning that they have complete control over all of the information and images in the site. I came up with the design of the site as well, using different sliding panels to house the info. The idea is that you can always see nice big photos of what the page is talking about. This helps the user to get a good understanding of the venue. If you’re interested in working with us on a similar project, shoot us an email to get the ball rolling.
Hello world!
Well. Here it is. I finally had the time to get my OWN blog running. I Love building full flash sites. And in my work, I’m always coming across really cool sites that show off the capabilities of flash, flex, and CSS. And so I plan on writing posts on some of the coolest sites, in both design and technology. I hope this to be an inspiration to all who love good design, and technology. I’ll also include some tips and tricks for web sites, and marketing in general. And perhaps some good photography every now and then.
Silva + Villa
Silva + Villa is a home loan company located in Glendale, CA. We designed their logo and branding, business collateral, and web site. Most recently we added a blog to their HTML 5 site and have started leveraging the posts to drive traffic to the site.
We setup the site to automatically syndicate each post across multiple social media networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Each time they write a new post, all of their followers and friends will be able to be notified. This approach works well, since it focuses traffic towards their web site, and not necessarily any one social network.
In addition, we have designed and built an Email campaign template that will automatically pull the latest posts into the quarterly campaign. This way, those who prefer to receive an email will also be directed towards the latest articles. Again, the idea is not to generate the original content in the email blast itself, but to leverage the existing content to drive traffic their web site.