Mix horse riding essentials with Italian fashion and you have pretty much the most stylish, quality horse riding boots you can get. Throw in a slick web site to show you some beautiful pictures and voila, milofelline.com. Did I mention I love photo shoots? I think its the fact that I’m able to push which direction we’re going from an early on in the project. If I know I’m working with a good photographer (like Jai Zeta), I know we are going to have an awesome finished site when it’s all said and done. And the site just show it all off. I built a completely custom image viewer for this site, that pulls all of the information dynamically. That means that you don’t have to edit to much to completely change the products offered. Oh, and it was a good thing I have been learning French for the last few years, as I got to speak a lot of it with owners Sandrine and Christian. C’est super!